Views of a Blue Sturgeon Supermoon

Last night, people around the world were treated to views of a so-called blue sturgeon supermoon. It’s a “blue” moon because it is the third full moon of an astronomical season with four full moons, and August’s full moon is called the “sturgeon moon” because Algonquin tribes knew that large fish were more easily caught at this time of year. It is also one of the largest full moons of 2024, when our natural satellite appears about 10 percent larger than average as it approaches its closest point in orbit. This year’s closest full moons will be in September and October. Though the moon might look slightly larger to the naked eye, the apparent size difference is actually so small that a casual observer would likely never notice. Nevertheless, photographers across the globe captured the event: Here are 12 super images of this blue sturgeon supermoon.

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