Why is Hollywood ignoring She-Hulk?


Were I not hooked-up, and old enough to be her father, I'd be stalking Alyssa Rosenberg because of the following graff:

There are hundreds of comic-book superheroines in the DC and Marvel Comics universes alone. Female characters play integral roles in almost every superhero team and major comic-book plot. Wonder Woman helps found the Justice League. The Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow are the first of many female members of the Avengers. Susan Storm Richards, the Invisible Woman, is one of the most important members of the Fantastic Four. At their best, a few superheroines transcend their paneled pages and become literary figures. But rather than drawing on extant rich stories about female superheroes, contemporary comic-based movies either downplay their powers and their personalities or rewrite them as trashy high camp.

Dude, talk about what a man wants? An encycolpedic knowledge of MU? What else is there? In all seriousness this is a great, great piece. Alyssa chronicles the shoddy treatment superheroines have received on the big screen--when there was any treatment at all. I think Holly Berry may have done more to destroy Superheroines than any single person on the face of the earth. When I was kid Storm was a bad-ass--she beat Scott Summers without her powers. Anybody here remember her taking out N'astirh during Inferno? Moreover, I don't know if any character in the MU evolved more over time. She went from the innocenct, meek African chick to Michelle Obama overnight. OMG. I just realized...Michelle Obama is Storm!! We can come bck to that later.

Anyway, in Halle Berry's hand she was basically reduced to some mealy-mouthed chick whose eyes turned white. In the comic she flew through the air like Neo and relieved whole droughts. In the movie she was decoration. I didn't read DC, but I know there are some folks who are highly peeved about her rendition of Catwoman. What an awful movie. And where the hell is She-Hulk? If they do Justice League are the even gonna bother with Hawkgirl? One of the great things about Bruce Timm's Justice League and Justice League Unlimited was the prominence of female characters. There's even a episode where the whole world is left in the hands of women, and Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman have to grapple with what that means.

Frankly, I don't expect things to get better. Hollywood is doing a so-so job with superheros in movies, period. Under that cloud, I doubt things will get better, in terms of gender.