Live Chat With Kate Bolick

This event is now closed.

Welcome to our livechat with author Kate Bolick. We invite you to ask Kate any questions you might have about her November cover story,"All the Single Ladies" -- or, more generally, about the new husband shortage and the changing definitions of romance and family.

There are a few different ways to participate:

1) Ask questions anonymously. Simply make up a display name in the box below (e.g., "Atlantic Reader" or "Jane Doe") and then sign in. Everything you write during the chat will show up under that name.

2) Sign in using your own account at Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. Just click one of the icons below.

3) Email your question to It will show up in the chat under the name you use on your email account.

Regardless of which method you choose, your question will show up on the page below after a few moments, along with Kate's response. (If you have any technical questions during this chat, please email us at